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The Goatherder Blog
Wednesday, 3 November 2004
Amazingly, the sun came out this morning!
I don't know how long this will continue, but lets take advantage of it while we can.

A couple of quick thoughts about where we go from here:

1) We need to reclaim religion from the radical right. Religion should be about love and helping the less fortunate, not about punishing anyone who is different.

2) We need to reassert the idea that government intervention in the economy is a good thing, not a bad thing. (I hope for this to be the main point of my blog)

3) We need to convince the middle and lower class, including small business owners and farmers, that our ideas of fairness and equal opportunity are really in their favor.

4) We need to continue to organize and speak out.

Posted by The Goatherder at 1:51 PM EST
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