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The Goatherder Blog
Monday, 20 September 2004
A great President?
From Wealth and Democracy

A point to underscore: serious U.S. arousal against abuses of wealth and power has always transcended class lines -- class warfare is both a rare bird and a dubious term -- and many of the notable triumphs have been led by persons with sophisticated and affluent backgrounds: Jefferson of Monticello and the Roosevelts of Oyster Bay and Hyde Park. Indeed, George Washington of Mount Vernon led the earlier opposition to concentrated wealth and hauteur three thousand miles away in London that created the United States.

Also, Americans have given their highest regard to presidents who wove political battle flags from the various threads of popular indignation -- a definition that adds the names of Jackson and Lincoln to the four just mentioned. The lesser esteem given to those presidents hailing bankers or proclaiming that "the business of America is business" completes the historical measurement.

Posted by The Goatherder at 12:51 PM EDT
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