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The Goatherder Blog
Tuesday, 7 September 2004
Kerry's plans
I thought I would change course slightly and intersperse some of John Kerry's economic plan with my selected quotations from Wealth and Democracy. It seems to me that Kerry has some excellent ideas about how government can aid the economy, ideas that need more exposure.

From his website, some ideas about broadband:

"Over the past four years, the United States has dropped from 4th to 10th in broadband use. Countries such as South Korea and Japan are now deploying networks that are 20 to 50 times faster than what is available in the United States. ....
Government research at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) led to the creation of the Internet and the government has an important but temporary role to play in catalyzing the extension of broadband to our entire nation.
It is especially important in creating new opportunities in areas of America -- especially rural areas and some of our inner cities -- that are now all but cut off from the economy of tomorrow. The same Internet technologies that makes it possible to export technology and services jobs to India can make it possible to create similar jobs in rural areas here in America, which often enjoy a combination of low business costs and high quality of life.
Expanding high-speed broadband is the information-age equivalent of the rural electrification initiatives of the Roosevelt years: a strategic public investment that could pay off a thousand time over in creating new economic opportunities,,,,"

Posted by The Goatherder at 8:19 AM EDT
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