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The Goatherder Blog
Tuesday, 13 July 2004
Sorry for the hiatus, I have been travelling.

Just a couple of random thoughts:

During the months of May and June, if you had told me that John Kerry and his running mate would be on the cover of Newsweek with a caption reading "The Sunshine Boys" I would have said you were smoking something. It may be that the biggest positive that John Edwards brings to the ticket is the ability to lighten Kerry up and humanize him. This may be the best campaign Newsweek cover since "Young Guns."

"Dick Cheney could be President" Wow, see what happens when you let Shrub talk without a script? Tell me where I can sign up for one of those bumper stickers!

Lots of good pieces out this week about Bush's responsibility for the CIA fiasco. The crux of the argument is that Bush, who is famous for reading only the summary of staff reports and not looking into the details (i.e. of not thinking for himself) was particularly prone to allow this type of fiasco to occur. He relied solely on the executive summary of the intelligence reports, not bothering to read the details that contradicted the summaries. Take a look at

More coming, and another article soon.

Posted by The Goatherder at 3:30 PM EDT
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