The incredibly vapid Kerry Healey, Lt. Governor of Massachusetts, called for John Kerry to resign from the Senate yesterday, because he has been missing too many roll call votes.
The more appropriate move would be to call for George W. Bush to resign. Remember, he has been "too busy" attending $2,000 a plate fund raisers to attend the funerals of people killed in THE WAR TO PROVE HE IS A BETTER MAN THAN DADDY.
Maybe Healey should resign too, so she can accompany him. If you would like to suggest that to her, she can be contacted through the Commonwealth of Massachusetts web portal at
By the way, Salon has a great article today, reviewing three books that present a scary but accurate portrait of W.'s mental make-up. If you do not subscribe, it is pretty painless to sit through an ad in order to get a day pass.
Posted by The Goatherder
at 3:28 PM EDT